Babafemi Ogunkanmbi is from South-West Nigeria. He holds a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in Fine and Applied Arts; a Bachelors degree in Fine and Arts Education (B.A Ed.) in OAU, Nigeria and is currently studying a Masters in Fine and Applied Arts in Museum and Curatorial Studies.
Babafemi has participated in numerous art competitions and exhibitions both at national and international level. His art over the years has revolved around two themes, 'Equity and Justice'. He is wholly inspired by the culture and the environment in which he finds himself. This has propelled him to explore his art with a good blend of African styles by dominating African traditional motifs and lines in his artworks.
Babfemi uses lines in his works that are scarifications through the entire face and body of his figurative and portrait paintings. This holds a special place in his heart, as he too is scarified and often gets segregated amongst his peers. However he sees his scarrs as a sign of power, a uniqueness from his family lineage which serves as beauty and social identity. Ich bin erfahren, verlässlich sowie jederzeit auf gute Ergebnisse fokussiert und weiß es zu schätzen, mit großartigen Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten.